
Posted in Announcements

AP names 4 to global religion team

, by Lauren Easton

Global Religion Editor Sally Stapleton today sent this memo to staff announcing four additions to AP’s new religion team:

Posted in Announcements

An update on AP style on Kyiv

, by John Daniszewski

We are making a significant change in our style for the Ukrainian capital city Kiev. It will henceforth be written in text, captions and datelines as Kyiv.

Posted in Announcements

Michael Tackett joins AP as deputy Washington bureau chief

, by Lauren Easton

Washington Bureau Chief Julie Pace today announced a key appointment, sending this memo to staff:

Posted in Announcements

New Middle East leadership team is named

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Executive Editor Sally Buzbee on Friday outlined a new structure for AP’s Middle East region:

Posted in Announcements

AP receives 5 awards from Deadline Club

, by Patrick Maks

The Associated Press received five awards Monday night from the Deadline Club, the New York City chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.

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