
Posted in Announcements

An addition to AP Stylebook entry on global warming

, by Paul Colford

The AP Stylebook editors today informed AP staff about a change to the entry on global warming. In addition, they described what goes into keeping the Stylebook up-to-date, including their outreach to experts.

AP science writer Seth Borenstein was among those who provided guidance during the discussion that resulted in today’s change, which adds two sentences to the global warming entry.

Here is the staff memo from Stylebook editors Sally Jacobsen, Dave Minthorn and Paula Froke:

Posted in Announcements

Erica Werner promoted to congressional correspondent

, by Paul Colford

AP Washington Bureau Chief Sally Buzbee today announced a key appointment, sending this memo to her staff.

Posted in Announcements

For AP, it’s back to the future

, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press has announced that it will move its corporate headquarters from midtown Manhattan to the Brookfield Place retail and office complex, across West Street from the World Trade Center. The move, planned for early 2017, will take AP back to the future.

Posted in Announcements

‘The Next Generation Beyond Exit Polls’

, by Paul Colford

In the last presidential election, more than a third of voters did not go to a polling place on Election Day but instead voted ahead of time or by mail.

Posted in Announcements

The Latest format delivers the latest news

, by Paul Colford

The fiscal crisis in Greece, plans by the U.S. and Cuba to open embassies in each other’s capital and tennis competition at Wimbledon are among the many developing stories in recent weeks that AP journalists have covered in a live blog type of presentation.

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