
Posted in Announcements

Is it ISIL or ISIS in Iraq?

, by Tom Kent

How best to refer to the al-Qaida splinter group leading Sunni militants in Iraq? ISIL or ISIS?

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Bangkok bureau chief named Journalist of the Year in Asia

, by Erin Madigan White

The Society of Publishers in Asia named The Associated Press’ Bangkok Bureau Chief Todd Pitman Journalist of the Year, in recognition of his work over the past 12 months, including gripping stories from Typhoon Haiyan and moving coverage of the travails of the Rohingya in Myanmar.

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Piecing together the story of a girl, 10, left in an African forest

, by Paul Colford

Her name is Hamamatou Harouna. She is 10 years old and unable to walk because she has polio.

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Injured AP correspondent analyzes swap for U.S. Sgt. Bergdahl

, by Paul Colford

A revealing AP analysis about the history of talks leading to the release of U.S. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, by correspondent Kathy Gannon, was published today. Gannon, who was shot and wounded on April 4 while covering the Afghan elections, is now recovering from her injuries.

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The story of a prolific pedophile: How AP’s investigation came together

, by Paul Colford

The discovery of a teacher whom the FBI regards as one of the most prolific pedophiles in memory has set off a crisis in the close-knit community of international schools and prompted hundreds of people to contact the bureau, greatly expanding the potential number of suspected victims.

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