
Posted in Announcements

AP honored with First Amendment Award

, by Erin Madigan White

The Radio Television Digital News Foundation (RTDNF) honored The Associated Press for defending a robust free press with its challenge to the U.S. Department of Justice for secretly seizing AP phone records.

Posted in Announcements

Visit AP at SXSW Interactive

, by Erin Madigan White

The Associated Press is joining thousands of digital and creative professionals from around the world converging at the 2014 SXSW Interactive festival in Austin, Texas, which runs March 7 through 11. Here’s a rundown of where you’ll find AP:

Posted in Announcements

Pinning hopes on Olympic metal?

, by Erin Madigan White

Pin trading at the Olympics is always an event as popular as any spectator sport. The small, colorful souvenirs are created by corporations, countries and media organizations, such as The Associated Press, and swapped and collected by athletes and fans, alike.

Posted in Announcements

“No press” decrees: A challenge for reporters

, by Tom Kent

The other day I sent a note to AP staffers about fighting for access to news. Around the world, AP’s staff battles for access when officials try to block us from places and events where reporters deserve to be.

Posted in Announcements

AP reacts to alteration of photo

, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press has ended its ties with Narciso Contreras, a freelance photographer who has worked for AP in the Middle East, following his recent admission that he altered a photo that he took last September in Syria.

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