
Posted in Announcements

Paul Cheung named director of interactive and digital news production

, by Erin Madigan White

The following promotion was announced today by AP Vice President and Managing Editor Lou Ferrara in an internal memo:

Posted in Announcements

Interviewing and photographing young people

, by Tom Kent

Questions often arise about interviewing and photographing children and teenagers.

Posted in Announcements

More on AP’s style on Pvt. Chelsea Manning

, by Tom Kent

Yesterday the AP announced that we will use Pvt. Chelsea Manning to refer to the soldier convicted in the WikiLeaks case, rather than Pvt. Bradley Manning. We also will use female pronouns for Manning.

Posted in Announcements

AP editors’ note on Manning

, by Erin Madigan White

Update: The following advisory was sent to AP member editors and other subscribers on Aug. 26, 2013, at 6:03 p.m.:

Posted in Announcements

Journalism as we know it …

, by Tom Kent

Is journalism as we know it on its last legs?

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