
Posted in Announcements

Poorly worded alert prompts clarification

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This morning a poorly worded news alert moved on the AP wire and was also tweeted via @AP.

Posted in Announcements

How many U.S. states allow gay marriage?

, by Tom Kent

In stories about gay marriage in the United States, we usually include the number of states where gay marriage is allowed. Settling on that that number can be complicated, though, since the situation in some states is in flux.

Posted in Announcements

A leap forward in quarterly earnings stories

, by Paul Colford

The Associated Press announced in an advisory to customers today that the majority of U.S. corporate earnings stories for our business news report will eventually be produced using automation technology.

Posted in Announcements

Financial markets story to feature format suited to Web and mobile

, by Paul Colford

The following advisory was sent today to editors at AP member news organizations:

Posted in Announcements

A faster, new format for AP’s Major League Baseball game stories

, by Paul Colford

For decades, AP reporters have chronicled every big play, every no-hitter and every controversy that erupts on the field during the hundreds of games that make up the Major League Baseball season.

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