Industry Insights

Posted in Industry Insights

Helping local newsrooms use AI

, by Patrick Maks

As part of our two-year project to help local newsrooms expand their use of artificial intelligence tools, AP asked U.S. news organizations how AI might help them streamline their operations.

Posted in Industry Insights

AP’s top editor: We must protect journalists online

, by Patrick Maks

During a panel at the virtual News Xchange conference on Tuesday, Executive Editor Julie Pace addressed the online harassment of journalists and AP’s response to this growing trend.

Posted in Industry Insights

What do Americans want from journalism?

, by Lauren Easton

A new study by the Media Insight Project, a joint effort by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, offers a revealing look at the disconnect between what Americans want in their news and what journalists view as their core mission.

Posted in Industry Insights

Revolutionizing video workflows with AI

, by Patrick Maks

At the International Broadcasting Convention this week, Vice President and Director of Key Initiatives Sandy MacIntyre outlined how AP is collaborating with technology companies to revolutionize video production and workflows in the news industry.

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