Calling the 2024 presidential race state by state
At 5:34 a.m. ET on Wednesday, The Associated Press declared Donald Trump the winner of the U.S. presidential race.

Describing what’s happening at the US border
With immigration and the U.S. border back in the news, it is especially imperative for the AP to consistently use accurate and neutral language in its coverage along with giving proper context to border numbers given the political rhetoric on the topic.

Understanding the election: How AP declares winners
The Associated Press will declare winners in 7,000 races in November, from president, Congress and governor to thousands of elections for state legislature, mayor, judges and more.

Understanding the election: Why this year is different
The coronavirus pandemic means more Americans than ever before will cast their ballots ahead of Election Day. Deputy Managing Editor for Operations David Scott, who oversees AP’s race calling, explains how this may affect when we will know who won the 2020 U.S. presidential election:

In a ‘flash’: Alerting news of the president’s impeachment
At 8:34 p.m. ET on Wednesday, AP pushed out the news, "President Donald Trump impeached by US House of Representatives."