Topic: “Exit polls”

Posted in Products and Services

Stellar debut for AP VoteCast

, by Lauren Easton

AP VoteCast, our new election survey of the American electorate developed with NORC at the University of Chicago, delivered impressive results in the U.S. midterm elections one week ago.

Posted in Industry Insights

Beyond exit polls: A new way to survey voters

, by Lauren Easton

In its search for new ways to survey a changing electorate, AP continued its experiments aimed at evolving the traditional, in-person exit poll in 2017, testing a new approach aimed at reaching both those who vote in person on Election Day and the increasing number of voters who cast ballots early -- roughly 40 percent in 2016.  

Posted in Industry Insights

Learning from voter survey experiments

, by Lauren Easton

Leading up to the November election, AP worked with GfK Custom Research and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago to examine new ways to survey voters.

Posted in Behind the News

Decision 2016: Calling the winners

, by Lauren Easton

With a history of calling election winners quickly and accurately for its member news organizations and customers in the U.S. and around the world, AP is poised to again do so on Nov. 8.

Posted in Industry Insights

What AP learned about using online surveys to measure support for presidential candidates

, by Lauren Easton

After commissioning an experiment designed to test new ways to survey voters who cast ballots early, AP updates its findings, using new breakdowns of advance and Election Day voting in the Florida primary.

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