Topic: “Images”

Posted in Behind the News

How I got those border clash photos

, by Lauren Easton

Early on New Year’s Day, an AP photographer at the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, captured dramatic photos of tear gas being fired at migrants climbing a fence.

Posted in Behind the News

George H.W. Bush’s nod to White House ‘photodogs’

, by Lauren Easton

“The men and women who have covered the White House for the AP dating back to the middle of the 19th century have truly had a ‘front row seat to history,’” former President George H.W. Bush wrote.

Posted in Behind the News

‘Aggressive but delicate’ reporting produces gene-editing exclusive

, by Lauren Easton

In a memo to staff, Managing Editor Brian Carovillano recounted how AP gained a global exclusive on one of the most important and controversial claims in medical and science history:

Posted in Announcements

Anna Johnson named news director for Europe, Africa

, by Lauren Easton

AP Executive Editor Sally Buzbee announced a key appointment Thursday: Anna Johnson, currently news director for the U.S. West, will direct coverage of Europe and Africa.

Posted in Behind the News

A commitment to deep global journalism

, by Lauren Easton

In a busy news week saturated with coverage of the U.S. midterm elections, AP’s effort to count the uncountable -- tens of thousands of migrants dead and missing since 2014 -- broke through.

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