Topic: “Local news”

Posted in Industry Insights

Survey offers revealing look at news subscribers

, by Lauren Easton

A new study by the Media Insight Project, a joint effort by the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, reveals what motivates readers to pay for news, offering publishers insight into the new media landscape.

Posted in Announcements

Appalachia coverage earns AP journalist Livingston Award

, by Lauren Easton

AP reporter Claire Galofaro received the Livingston Award for Local Reporting from the University of Michigan on Tuesday, in recognition of her outstanding work documenting economic despair in Appalachia.

Posted in Behind the News

Understanding the ‘Politics of pain’

, by Lauren Easton

During an especially intense news period, marked by a bomb blast in Manhattan and a subsequent manhunt in New Jersey, an investigation into the politics behind America’s opioid epidemic still received the attention it deserved.

Posted in Announcements

Stay connected with the new AP News app

, by Lauren Easton

There’s a new offering from The Associated Press available in the App Store: AP News.

Posted in Behind the News

National AP investigation on airport security spurs local reports

, by Lauren Easton

An AP investigation into security breaches at U.S. airports has been echoed and localized by dozens of member newspapers and broadcast customers.

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